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Traductions demandées - Una Smith

Langue de départ
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Resultats 21 - 40 sur un total d'environ 76
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Langue de départ
Anglais Teratoma
Teratoma (Teratom, Tératome, Teratoom, Тератома, Potworniak, טרטומה, 기형종, 畸胎瘤) is a specific kind of non-seminomatous germ cell tumor (NSGCT).

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This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Traductions terminées
Grec Τεράτωμα
Hongrois Teratoma
Finnois Teratoma
Croate Teratom
Serbe Teratom
Français Tératome
Turc Teratom
Arabe الورم المسخي
Bulgare Teratoma
Japonais 奇形腫
Bosnien teratoma
Norvégien Teratom
Slovaque Teratóma
Estonien Teratoma
Féringien Teratom
Albanais termet
Islandais Teratoma
25Langue de départ25
Anglais ''Alpha-fetoprotein''' ('''AFP''') is a molecule...
'''Alpha-fetoprotein''' ('''AFP''') is a molecule produced in the developing [[embryo]] and [[fetus]]. Blood tests to measure AFP have two main applications: (1) in pregnant women, as a screening test for some kinds of [[congenital malformation]] and (2) in adults and children, as a [[tumor marker]] for some kinds of [[tumor]].
''', [[, and ]] are Wikipedia codes; please leave them in.

Traductions terminées
Italien L' '''Alfa-feto proteina''' ('''AFP''') e' una molecola...
Portuguais brésilien Alfa-fetoproteína ("AFP")
Chinois traditionnel 甲種胎儿球蛋白
Grec "Φεροπρωτεϊνη-άλφα" ("ΦΠ-Α") είναι ένα μόριο...
Finnois '''Alfa-fetoproteiini''' ('''AFP''') on molekyyli...
Russe ''Альфа-фетопротеин'''('''АФП''') - это молекула...
Hongrois Az 'Alpha-fetoprotein''' ('''AFP''') egy molekula...
Arabe '' ألفا فيتوبروتيين ''' (''' أ ف ب ''') إنّه الجزيئ...
Suédois “Alfa-feto protein” (“AFP”) är en molekyl…
Coréen '''알파-태아단백질''' ('''AFP''')은 [[태아]]와 [[ë°°]]ê°€ 자라는 과정 중에 생성되어지는 미분자이다.
Japonais '''アルファフェトたん白質'''('''AFP''')は…
Langue de départ
Coréen 기형종

위키백과 ― 우리 모두의 백과사전.


기형종(畸形腫)은 다른 형태로 분화가 가능한 생식 세포에 의해서 발생하는 종양이다. 보통 남자의 정소, 여자의 난소, 아이의 천골에서 발생한다.

기형종은 주변 세포와 관련없는 조직으로 형성되는 경우가 많은데, 예를 들어 난소에서 발생한 기형종은 체모와 치아로 발달하는 것으로 알려져 있다.


Traductions terminées
Anglais Teratomas
Langue de départ
Anglais Thank you, Amber, for prompting me to check in...
Thank you, X, for prompting me to check in and give you all an update. It has been a while.

We encountered so many problems with our baby's followup care "at home" that we decided to return to Boston, thousands of miles away. At Childrens Hospital Boston (CHB), the Advanced Fetal Care Center manages several fetal sacrococcygeal teratomas (SCTs) per year, and I suppose CHB sees additional teratoma patients. Oncology is literally next door, at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute.

Needing appointments on short notice but not being an emergency, we were put on waiting lists for last-minute openings: first the MRI, some blood work and other tests, then consultations with our surgeon and our oncologist. To get all that accomplished, we allowed 3 weeks and we needed all 3 weeks, although we spent just 5 days visiting the hospital complex. DH was able to "telecommute" to work on some days, so he did not need to use 3 weeks of sick leave.

Our baby's MRI (pelvis and abdomen) showed "postoperative changes" where her SCT used to be, and her AFP tumor marker was again a little worse. So there is no obvious tumor but the AFP raises the "index of suspicion" that we are dealing not just with teratoma, but also with endodermal sinus tumor. Watch and wait is really hard, but I am thankful that our situation is not worse.

Given the expense, time, and effort involved in our traveling to Boston for each MRI, our plan now is to repeat the MRI only every 6 months, unless there is a pressing need to return sooner, while checking the AFP every month. I am waiting anxiously for the June AFP result.

mom to 9 month old girl, born @ 40w, neonatal surgery x 7cm Altman III SCT w coccyx, grade 1 immature teratoma, AFP suspicious, WAW
See Wikipedia for ready made translations of some terms. WAW = watch and wait.

Traductions terminées
Français Merci Amber de ...
Espagnol Gracias, Amber, por haberme animado a registrarme
Allemand Danke Dir, X, mich eingeladen zu haben, um Euch auf dem Laufenden zu halten.
Langue de départ
Arabe ترجمات أخرى:الورم العجائبي الورم العجيب الورم...
ترجمات أخرى:الورم العجائبي
الورم العجيب
الورم المسخوم
The Arabic text is remarks about a translation here, English -> Arabic, of "teratoma".

Traductions terminées
Anglais Another translations.Queer tumor, surprise tumor,tumor..
Langue de départ
Français Écoute
Écoute, il y a un médecin qui m'a dit, à 22 semaines , que si le TSC avait
été diagnostiqué plus tôt, j'aurais dû faire une interruption médicale de grossesse!!
Je suis très contente car aujourdhui, ma fille va bien et j'espère que je n'aurais pas de problèmes d'incontinence urinaire.
Elle est vorace également! Elle finit tous ses biberons déjà , elle est née avec 4kg !
Moi je n'ai pas grossi pendant la grossesse, en fait c'est elle qui prenait tout!
TSC = SCT, sacrococcygeal teratoma

Traductions terminées
Anglais Listen
Langue de départ
Anglais to Myriam
Myriam wrote:

I think Myriam means "it was a T1 without adverse effects to the other...". T as in TNM, a widely used scheme for writing cancer stage information. See [2] for an English version. At present, the English page has links only to corresponding German and Italian pages.

A page on TNM in French: [3]

[1] >> il cetait un te 1 sans retentissement sur les autre...

Traductions terminées
Français A myriam
Langue de départ
Anglais We jumped right into a discussion...let me back...
We jumped right into a discussion...let me back up a little.

Welcome to TFD. We are all sorry you have any need to be here, but glad you found us.

Do you have good support for the "normal" problems of motherhood? With my first child, I depended a lot on Usenet newsgroups, especially, but there I rarely see any non-English posts. Maybe some of the other French speaking readers here can offer some good suggestions for you.

Traductions terminées
Français On a entamé une discussion... laissez-moi revenir un peu en arrière
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